Welcome to the shop!...at GREENPECK'S....some of the new items coming this week!

Where your garden can bloom and grow....can't wait to get this on one of my tables!!...with real flowers in the little tubes...

OH!...I'll have geraniums ALL year!! Email me for prices...or just come see!!

MY BIRDS WILL LOVE THIS....I think I ordered four of these!!

Wouldn't these be cute on a little girls wall, or your porch!?

Napkin rings....I think I will put a place setting with my antique dishes and these!

SO TRUE!!....and you can't believe how pretty the wildflowers are right now...we have pink primroses and purple wild verbena all over the back field....come to the shop and walk to the garden with me!! We'll pick a bouquet!!...I have free jars and water!

I love this cross....and my daisies by the shop will be blooming soon!

IS this sweet or what!? And I ordered lots of tulips to sit in the windows of the shop...the shop will look different....and I'm ready for a different look to go along with the art from the "artists" in there....Patty, Adam,Tito, Pilar, Peyton and me (greenpeck)....and more! I'll be open Thursday thru Sat ...10 to 6...or just knock on the door and we'll mosey over to the shop if it is a Monday or Tuesday!
We have been VERY busy planting our garden and taking advantage of our beautiful SPRING weather! Our backs are sore but our hearts are happy! And the birds are busy with their nests too!! There is just nothing I like more than having my hands in the dirt....except for maybe having them in paint or using my art supplies! Where we live is a "special place".....a special place that has had a "special connection for sooo many people!! Like Jeff and Debbie" ......where it all started with a (metal) heart....now called "The Round Top Collection". An inventory to tempt you every season with beautiful and colorful items to decorate your home. Dick and I are pleased to announce that we will carry "The Round Top Collection" here right in Round Top at our shop...GREENPECKS. We will add it to our WEBSITE soon....email me for anything you have a question about. We are getting the first tempting items this week that are for Spring and Summer ..... shown above. Then the BIG 4th of July will be right around the corner with all of those items coming in MAY. We are also going to enlarge the shop space and get a new sign or TWO! We are both excited about it and are having fun planning for new ART as well and maybe a few other little surprises! I have still been doing the GUT ART CLASSES, although barely getting any painting done for working in the garden.....but I LOVE Mystele's GUT ART classes....and am working on more art for the shop! I've made some art paper journals (with original art on the covers) for those who like to journal and paint a little. There will be some rearranging going on in the shop too!! THEN wait til you see what will be here for the 4th of July!!....a sort of duplicate of the Round Top Fire Truck to hang on your wall or office or boy's room!! ....the shop will be open on the 4th this year...with our old original "Round Top FIRE TRUCK" parked in front! Well, have a blessed week.....I just wanted to catch you up on the "goings on" at the place here on our three acres...it is wonderful to have the store on the same property with the B&B and the garden!!....that way the grandkids are with you and helping too!!....and I've planted all my zinnia seeds....get ready for lots of blooming around here!!...the roses are already in full bloom.....so beautiful!! BLESSINGS!! GOD IS GOOD!...always has been!