Yes, you should see her Sunday School Room. All around the floor the 3rd and 4th graders have built the scenes of David's life happenings in I Samuel. All David's men (Ken Dolls) are set up with Saul's Palace, a Tabernacle, the giants at Gath, David's Family at Bethlehem and last week they built the caves in the wilderness because David is on the run! Candy, the best teacher ever, emailed me and said, "This Sunday I need to bring the girl dolls (Barbies) and some material for the children to fix and dress them up for the scene, but I have no under garments for the dolls! Would that be a big project if I asked if you could COVER THESE NAKED BARBIES?" That was a first for me ... I have sewn doll clothes for years, but asked to make at least a dozen under garments to cover the naked Barbies so they could be fitted and dressed up in Sunday School for the scene was indeed an important task. Actually I got excited about it going to the local fabric store for the perfect slightly stretchy, non- raveling garment material in white ..... and I found what I needed. Then I made a pattern looking at shorts and top designs and came up with a simple short type of pantaloons, appropriate under garments! I forgot to take a picture, but I drew one and added color to the fabric in the drawing of the under garments to create interest ..... even tho the actual under garments were all white. This was a ministry first for me and as I sewed the tiny garments I thought of the action in that Sunday School class and what a fabulous way to learn the stories that happened in Scripture! The whole time I was wishing I was a 3rd or 4th grader!!! I felt blessed to be a part of helping her teach that class!!!
Blessings to you!! I forgot to mention the middle picture .... just a drawing and color of present symbols in my life , an excersize for a small class, it has the sun shining on me and the blessings of children at the bottom, a paint brush which I love to do, a bird, love birds in my yard, Fall leaves, my new yellow house with columns out front and God at the center and over it all on the weather vane. I should have had Dick flying an airplane above as that is where he was ! Enjoy..... my art supplies are still packed in storage and these are just pencil drawings with watercolor pencils..... simple but satisfying!!