The table cloth...well, the red check one was from Annie Banik's garage sale....I miss seeing her. And the floral roses piece was a remnant from last year gleaned at WalMart! Round Top has black land and in a drought the cracks in the yard could swallow a cat!! But boy does that dirt grow good roses!! We are nearer the Colorado River in LaGrange, and the dirt so far has been a difficult one to figure I'll go to the Ag Agent to see what he says for hopefully some rose blooms next year!!
The Fall has brought rains and needed moisture to our county and it shows most in the flower gardens ... Especially my gardens in Round Top!! I've gone there several times this month to bring home bundles of antique roses. The aroma is so wonderful. It tempts me to move back to our wonderful and spacious old house and just live on the porches!! The roses are Ducher, Cecile Bruener, Arche Duke Charles, Lafter, Champney's Pink, Old Lincoln , Zephrine something and Croimseur Superior . I would like the same in my new yard please. Guess I'll have to cut a tree down for some sun. OH WHAT A BLESSING FLOWERS ARE!! TRULY A BLESSING!!! THANKS BE TO GOD FOR HIS UNSPEAKABLE GIFT and LOVE!! Enjoy!!
18 hours ago