Dick and I have made some big changes for the year to come!! We are downsizing to free us up to do the things we have always wanted to do ..... that is.... free to travel, spend more time together, follow His lead for new adventures, no more retail store after 27 years, more time with kids, but still MORE ART and probably some sewing classes for girls ..... that is a dream right now ..... but the ART won't stop, it will be here on the blog as soon as we finish remodeling our NEW/OLD smaller home about 20 miles away. SO STAY TUNED ... we'll be having a big sale and beautiful house and property SALE in the SUMMER!! MORE FREEDOM ON IT'S WAY!!! WooHoo!!! And THANKS for all your support the last twenty seven years in my shop!!!
LOVE the art!!!! happy day to you!
ps (your art is in queue!)
WOW, the way you capture color is great. You really have an eye for detail and the ability to capture it as well.
Thanks for the comments and sweet compliments, I am so indebted to you artists out there that share and give so much to encourage others....I feel I MUST give something back .... you are all special. Big Blessings!... sherry
Nice post, love the new art. I want the grapes! It's tooooo hot in Texas!
Beautiful photos. Those of the grapes and caladiums are amazing. Love the new art you're doing. Until reading about them, I thought you had done them on boards.
Oh, my, you've been busy!
The photos are lovely, but your artwork is beautiful. You are an inspiration in color...
Love the Art! You are so very talented! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog you are so awesome! Loving your blog I will have to stop back in soon and see what all you are doing!!
THANKS to you all for your comments.....hope to entertain you with more soon!!! sherry
I just found your blog today (from mystele's blog!) What a blessing to see your art and your heart for God. I felt really drawn to your where is home painting. Then I read the post, and OH MY!!! God is calling my family to be missionaries in Spain (my husband, 3 little ones, and me). It is a God-sized calling, and some days it's easier to see the losses of what we're leaving that the joy of unknown things. But God is so clearly calling us, so we're taking a leap of faith. God used you to remind me that He has some good plans for us. And that the time there may even be a highlight of my kids' lives! Blessings, sister!
Cristie.... Thank you for your sweet and exciting comments..... I wish I was going with you!! I lived in Leon, Spain in the northern part just below the mountains.....like the book Heidi......where are you going? How very wonderful!!.... I will keep you and your family in my heart and prayers ..... keep in touch if you like .... also will GIVE you a print of where is home if you like.... my Mother cried when we had to go there for three years away from family....but then cried to have to leave, we loved the people so much....in 1956 thru 1959....then returned to visit in 1984 and stayed in the same house where we had lived in the fifties with the same family that lent it to us. It truly was the Lord's plan for us and I'm sure it is for you.... how glorious....In His Love...sherry
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