Dick and I have made some big changes for the year to come!! We are downsizing to free us up to do the things we have always wanted to do ..... that is.... free to travel, spend more time together, follow His lead for new adventures, no more retail store after 27 years, more time with kids, but still MORE ART and probably some sewing classes for girls ..... that is a dream right now ..... but the ART won't stop, it will be here on the blog as soon as we finish remodeling our NEW/OLD smaller home about 20 miles away. SO STAY TUNED ... we'll be having a big sale and beautiful house and property SALE in the SUMMER!! MORE FREEDOM ON IT'S WAY!!! WooHoo!!! And THANKS for all your support the last twenty seven years in my shop!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Now that I see this, I think I will add the word "TRUST" to it..... The TRUST part I am still learning. I say I totally trust the Lord, but does my daily life really show it? When fear sets in over "the news", "illness", "children's well being", "debt", "God's Will", "our future here", "Prayer"....among other areas that I THINK I trust Him....but do I REALLY? I've been praying about that for a while and have had some very interesting God "THINGS" happen lately that had been evidence of His LOVE and proof that I can and MUST trust Him.... and really I WANT to completely....actually I HAVE to....there is no other choice.... so I CHOOSE to. Actually, isn't that wonderful?!?! We CAN TRUST and have Faith in Him ...my stories are too long to tell, but trust me....ha...you CAN TRUST HIM!! While contemplating and drawing a very detailed watercolor of my "Tree Letters" to do for a God Sent order.... I needed to loosen up and so I did this painting..... from the "found" or "pulled" method that Mystele has taught us to experiment with, and I have to say it was so relaxing and fun to do.... it did loosen me up for the night of detailed drawing I needed to do.... I was in the groove! Thank you, Lord!! You are faithful....Blessings!! sherry


Emelie said...

Oh Yes trust, my thoughts go to what you have written a lot of times, and then a reminder of not thinking that way last to think that way first. I always say God doesn't want to be the last resort, he wants us to use him first.

Your painting is lovely, and the style is the same for the whole painting which makes for wonderful, you do charming birds, and I haven't been here for a bit but one day I took a quick moment and enjoyed your bird dog as I did again just now.

What you had to say is the best thing I have heard in a while about life and trust.

Poetic Artist said...

Trust I also think this way sometimes and I question when I should just trust..I love the painting.

Martha Lever said...

She is absolutely beautiful!!! You did are great job of pulling her out! And yes.... TRUST...it's what we must do because whatever happens it is always for our good. That's sometimes a hard one to swallow but we have to trust that it's TRUE!!!!

Diane said...

She's lovely, Sherry--and was just waiting to come out--great post!!

Jennifer Richardson said...

Just play.... and trust:)
Those words are like
sweet tea with lemon to my soul.
Only more nourishing.
And rich.
And deeply freeing.

Pamela Holderman said...

Oh what fun. Love seeing the progression of your work. glad you found me again too!

Nelda Ream said...

She is lovely, Sherry. Yes, trust is a hard lesson to learn. We want to be in control, huh? But it is so much better when we can let Him be in control.

DJ said...

Lovely painting ~ Must catch up on your posts, sweet friend...

Christianne Teixeira said...

She is absolutely beautiful!!! You did are great job of pulling her out!

Patrinas Pencil said...

I love how you've used tress and bird and flower in your painting. We trust in the ONE who not only created us just the way we are - for His purpose - but He created the universe and everything in it. What a finite God - the only one true God who can be TRUSTED.

Patrina <")>><