Dick and I have made some big changes for the year to come!! We are downsizing to free us up to do the things we have always wanted to do ..... that is.... free to travel, spend more time together, follow His lead for new adventures, no more retail store after 27 years, more time with kids, but still MORE ART and probably some sewing classes for girls ..... that is a dream right now ..... but the ART won't stop, it will be here on the blog as soon as we finish remodeling our NEW/OLD smaller home about 20 miles away. SO STAY TUNED ... we'll be having a big sale and beautiful house and property SALE in the SUMMER!! MORE FREEDOM ON IT'S WAY!!! WooHoo!!! And THANKS for all your support the last twenty seven years in my shop!!!
thanks!.... to each one of you for your encouragement.... I read each and every comment and feel blessed that you would leave one. I hope you enjoy the blog, come visit again!!!
Please remember to respect thecopyright of Art and Photoson this Blog....if you must have one contact me at sherry@greenpeck.com www. greenpeck.com www. greenpeck.blogspot.com to obtain or buy a print of any Photo or Art....if you need a free one , contact me..Thanks..Sherry
"Pony Tail Girls"
I love to do art with children because it frees you up...you aren't doing a piece to please someone....just yourself....I find that so relaxing....not performing.
Folding Airplanes?
Well, a nice surprise from my hubby....he has discovered detailed paper airplane building (folding and gluing)....and makes the same kind of mess that he used to complain about when I made my crafty messes...but I have welcomed his company at the table! The paper airplanes come on a downloaded sheet of card stock from www.fiddlersgreen.net.....they are very pretty and very inexpensive....a great project for kids age 6 to 100 years old! They would even be pretty framed in a man or boy's or girl's room! Like for you, ELI !!! ...and Olivia, too. Check them out!
Big Yellow...
His First Love...Airplanes! ...this is Tito and Peck!
Beautiful wife of Jimmy (Daddy) and Momma of my three awesome grandkids! We love this scripture in reference to our kiddos....3 John 1:4...."I have no greater joy than, to hear of my children walking in truth."
New design from elements in the old designs seen below...for a friend's grandchildren....would be a pretty marriage certificate with England in mind!
Antique certificates of my friend's family...you can see different elements used from each for the new design...with their own church inserted....
Below is the final design she picked for five grand children....
My Mother was in a wheelchair for thirteen years at the end of her cherished life. I have had so many thoughts of her lately with Dick home after knee replacement. We have used her old wheel chair, and several other things she left behind in 2001. I even looked for her whistle for him to use in case I didn't hear him....but no need, I've been close by. When we restored this old house we made sure it was handicap friendly....and didn't get to use it fully with her....but with Dick these last two weeks, we have given the design a real try every day.... and I have to say it has been so wonderful to have things set up for Dick to use with ease and for me!!! Thanks Mother!! I miss you!! Happy Mother's Day!!! Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful daughter too.... who has the same big smile my Mother had! She is a wonderful Mother to her children....really wonderful!! Of course we are proud of her and our son too...they both have great families!!! Happy Mother's Day to my daughter in law who is also an awesome Mom!!! I am going to list some old quilt squares that I found, undoubtedly made by some Mother or Grandmother or Aunt...the colors are so happy and the primitive designs speak of home. There is also a newly designed Baptism Certificate I did for a friend . She brought me three antique family "Baptism's" and "Confirmations" from three generations of her family....for me to design a new one for her grandchildren. So the new design has elements from all three of the antique certificates that were all in their family. The complete wording is not present yet. Anyway, enjoy these fun colors and think of all the MOTHER'S ....who have put bright spots in your life... one way or another. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to you all and great BIG BLESSINGS!!!
Happy Mother's Day to you too Sherry.
I see you in your daughter's beautiful smile.
Wonderful old quilt squares.
i love my mother also.....huhu
Thank you Anabella, a Mother is so blessed by a daughter's love!! Your Mother is truly blessed!
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