Indeed He does!! TOMORROW at 5:30AM we leave for the big competition to take Pilar, age 10, to go to STATE in Bible Drill, Scripture search and memorization!!! We are excited!!! She was speech delayed beginning school at 6 and has a hard time learning at school at times, BUT, BUT she is a champion at memorizing and searching the scriptures with just giving her a few beginning words to certain scriptures!!! She passed Bible Drill at the Church meet to go on with another town.... many passed and she was one and is going to compete at 8:00AM in the capital....we will let you know how she does....but I know how pleased her parents and especially the Lord is with her no matter what! She has really worked hard and does it to glorify Him!! Plus we have had fun!! Joan B. is our church sponsor and will go with I MUST go to bed to get a few hours of sleep!!!
Pilar and Tito at Vacation Bible School last summer....
The whole gang of kids at VBS!!
Pilar and her siblings....on the day of her Baptism!.....Enjoy! Blessings to you and I will catch you up on our "moving" lives a little later....still packing and painting in the remodel....taking forever but slowly we'll get there!! Hugs!!! sherry
A new note........Pilar placed fifth......and got an official certificate with a seal.....she was excited and we and God were so pleased with her sincere heart to even try to do what she did! She is a winner no matter the place....especially in the Lord's eyes!!!
9 hours ago