I have tried for THREE days to post something!! I wait til night because of how busy I've been, but then I fall asleep in the middle of trying to post!!! So I am going to post during lunch!! HOPEFULLY, I won't fall asleep!! Ha!! Anyway, our church is having a silent auction to raise money for orphans arriving at a camp from a worn torn country then arriving into Ethiopia. They walk for miles in search of lost or passed parents, searching on foot with only the clothes on their backs! The money from the silent auction will go to improve conditions at the camp where they come to to help have a school classroom area, and overall improve sanitary conditions for the children. The following pictures are items for the SILENT AUCTION....go to my facebook for details...it is the last Sunday evening of March. I've painted a few make-up bags for the auction as well, gleaning the ideas from the book CANVAS REMIX by ALISA BURKE. I love her work and classes and have bought some of her bags for my paint brushes! THE PAINTING OF THE CHILDREN is NOT FINISHED....HOWEVER I JUST ADDED THE FINAL PHOTO ABOVE...it is 16x20 and will be framed. I DO NOT really do faces, so I have a lot of tweeking to do the children and then will add more colors of the desert in the background of scriptures. Blessings and enjoy....I welcome ANY ADVICE OR COMMENTS!! This, with faces, is a hard one for me!! OH!! THERE IS MICKEY our puppy that has grown a lot, but still is small.... he has been such a joy to us!! Never dreamed!!
This little bag is for my make-up...for ME!!
Mickey boy above and a journal entry below!!
These children are done from actual photos, but still need work!! Any advice on them?! They are all skinny or very thin and their hands appear larger, as well as their precious faces. It is NOT FINISHED. I AM ATTACHED TO EACH ONE!! The boy in front is holding a frisbee which were taken by some of the volunteer missionaries helping there ..... all children need to play ..... some are totally alone and a few have siblings they care for even four year olds carry their small brother or sister walking and searching for miles and miles with no place to go!! Many are taken into slavery for sex or work, so this camp is a place where they can be safe and cared for or nurtured as much as it is possible.... read the background words , the incredible desire of God with us in mind for them. This life we have is ultimately about serving one another, either in our neighborhood or across the globe .... your prayers as well are cherished!!
18 hours ago
Sherry, Your piece with the children is just beautifuly done.
Thank you Sharon...It is the only "faces" I've worked on while your challenge has been up! Haven't had time to do the 100 faces which I had hoped to help me practice!! So LOVE your line up of tiny faces!!! Still want to do that!!
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