SMALL ..... small is okay. Ordinary is okay. Common is okay. God used the small, ordinary and common to share HIS MAJESTIC MESSAGE OF HOPE. This world takes and takes ultimately all you have and all who you are ... but there is a Savior ... a message of HOPE. There is hope beyond hope, there is life beyond life. There is forgiveness, second chances and new beginnings. These are real things. Do we under estimate the value of how significant it is for us to have the privilege to be the the ambassadors or
messengers of that HOPE through FAITH and GRACE? Redemption is offered to us....paid for. How majestic is it that God wasted all that GLORY on common ordinary man? SO it was with the shepherds who pursued the birth of a Savior in a stable. HE invites us all who are ordinary and common to do uncommon extraordinary things. It is OKAY to BE SMALL. During this Holiday Season when we are supposed to feel good and make others feel good....and with that sense of unmet expectations and the disappointments, the longing to be with those we can't be with right now, the sense of uncertainty of the future, ... all of those things come together to portray to us how ordinary we are, how common we are, because when you strip away all the stuff, the trappings of success, the outfits of significance that we put on to try and represent how important we are, how uncommon our lives are..... when you strip all of that away, what we all have in common is that this life is beyond our mastery and hopefully what we realize is we all need a Savior. And that is the point, because in this Holiday Season God whispers to us as He displays His Majesty .... He invites us to do uncommon things and He says "It's okay to be small." Bring us all healing and hope ....A CHANGED HEART by Faith is more majestic than a heavenly host appearing before us. To see a changed heart is incomparable in it's power. I heard this similar message from a speaker at a church and it really hit home. Merry Christmas and my HOPE is that you see His Majesty and you search for it.