Archduke Charles antique rose with one from the Mutabulis rose bush.
The white roses are called Ducher
The before picture in grey of our future house and with a little work done in yellow below....
The big fat rose bud below is a different rose, salmon in color when bloomed....can't think of the name.
The progress on our downsizing has been slow, but the growth of February roses, Ducher antique rose bush to be exact, was progressing like a burst of Spring! We always trim all of our antique roses around Valentines and Labor Day. These roses were what I picked up from laying in the yard before they cleaned all the extra growth they trimmed over the warm winter. I put them quickly in a vase and photographed them for future art or painting, BUT they are too beautiful like this to try and duplicate in a drawing or painting!!! I took the photos inside that evening as they sat by my chair where I work on the computer....the smell was glorious. The pink/red ones are the antique rose bush Archduke Charles, hedge we have in front of the small cottage. They bloom almost all year!!
THEN a quickie photo of the "before 1960's house" on one third of an acre, we purchased to remodel and to downsize to 20 miles away....and "a recent house picture with the addition in front changing the front profile", plus the doors and enclosing of the big garage for my studio! The house is not painted as that is the primed color of the hardy panel....but I am thinking a soft light buttery yellow with white shudders and trim would be so happy looking, especially when I get roses around it!! We will eventually add a nice big porch and other things including a garden in the the children's play house will go back there. More photos later. We are working madly to get enough done to move into it. We rented a storage unit as we can't seem to throw away enough old goodies.....and are putting people off for a while longer who are wanting to see and possibly purchase the beautiful big house on three acres we built/restored and have lived in for thirteen years ....we don't even have it on the market or appraised yet! We are getting tired and have had two garage sales and will have a bigger moving sale during the Antiques Fair in Round Top.....whew!!!! I am definitely ready for less work and stuff and a little more relaxing!! Blessings to you all. Sorry I haven't blogged...we have been too busy to breathe!
21 hours ago
I've visited before but couldn't comment. I just want to say that I love your roses. How special they are. I can smell them too :)
I was so pleased to see your house in progression. WOW it is amazing what you've done with it! Sweet. So glad that you will have a studio in the garage. I like the color of it now, so a buttery yellow with white shutters would be very appealing.
I know you are tired. Praying for you all that the Lord will strengthen you and bring things together in His special timing. You are so precious .... To sooooo many.
I love you, girl.
Patrina <")>><
Oh are a fragrance of His everlasting love.....thanks for the comments....not sure why it wouldn't work before. Every step of the way of this change is stretching me in the Lord....a good thing in the end. So many things I thought I couldn't live without doing and having the pat on the back for doing have been delivered from me....I am sure I will regres at times, but how very freeing to not have to have the pat on the back or the success as seen by very relaxing to a soul!!! You are special and I cherish hearing from you!!! Hope this finds you well too!! Hus and Blessings to a God sent presence in my life!!!
meant to say HUGS!!...not hus....
Stopping by on a moonlit night to say, hey, I'm thinking of you. The stars are brightly shinning and as i entered in to conversation with the Lord of our lives, He tells me to that He send His love ... I hope you feel His embrace. :)
always thinking of you - always praying for you. I didn't see your response until tonight.I'm thrilled that your soul is learning to relax. That is the "sweet spot"...of our relationship with Him. Just being at rest. I get anxious about the future sometimes. I get scared and fearful about my present. But I never ever question His love. If I can't hear His voice or see Him in my day... I just remember when I heard His still small voice. I remember when I did see him so vividly present - all around me. And then I begin to hear him speak again. and I begin to see Him everywhere again. It is the testimony of His walk with us that always brings things back into focus. He promised that He will never ever leave us or forsake us. Oh what a friend we have in Jesus.
"What a friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear!
what a privilege to carry
everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer.
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy laden,
cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In his arms he'll take and shield thee;
thou wilt find a solace there."
Text: Joseph M. Scriven, 1820-1886
Music: Charles C. Converse, 1832-1918
thinking of you, my friend
wishing you a blessed Easter with family and friends....and Jesus!
Patrina <")>><
Wow, what a treasured blessing in words from you.....I have truly "hidden" in my rest....passing on the temptations to go open the doors to please someone.....which I love, but my heart and body are needing the rest and no pressure. I am trying to improve also the way I eat, as I am a carb a holic! With scarey numbers in one of my tests from the doc, I finally decided to get serious! I think when the amazing how he speaks to us in our hearts and mind.....but He told me in that way that.....I needed to pursue the downsizing and move, that if I didn't leave and slow down it would be "PERILOUS".....that is the word He left me with....and so I couldn't move fast enough....but things are moving slow and I am having to learn to take it all on His time table NOT mine....and having to force myself to rest in Him....something that has been so hard for this self propelled woman!!
I would love to meet you someday and am sure I will in Heaven!! I have cherished all your writing, and found the radio station as well! K-LOVE I thanks for the email to that. I need to blog, but it will come....what it needs to be. Have a blessed Day on the day that He was resurrected.... wouldn't you love to have been the one to meet Him on the road! I call it a "WOW" factor like no other! I have had a few of those and like you, look back to cherish those moments! Blessings to you dear one!!! Your friend in Christ....sherry
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